The September 2017 AP-NORC Poll of 1,150 adults explores how Americans feel about recent protests during the national anthem at sporting events, President Trump’s response, and other forms of protest.
This analysis of The AP-NORC Center’s 2017 Long-Term Care Poll explores the language and cultural barriers older Hispanics face in the health care system and how they can impact care.
A new poll of 790 teens age 13-17 conducted by The AP-NORC Center using AmeriSpeak® explores how adolescents use social media and messaging applications and examines disparities in use among teens of different groups.
The first of its kind bi-monthly survey of racially and ethnically diverse young adults conducted by the Black Youth Project at the University of Chicago with The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
A new study of 1,004 adults conducted in February by The AP-NORC Center using AmeriSpeak® explores the public’s attitudes on diversity and immigration and investigates what Americans say makes up the country’s identity.