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Despite improved views of the economy, Biden’s ratings are unchanged

February 1, 2024 Most adults still consider the national economy to be in poor shape, but there has been a slight increase in those who have a positive opinion. However, this improvement in the view of the economy has not translated into an improvement in President Biden’s approval ratings. Thirty-five percent say the national economy…

Few within AAPI communities are feeling very confident about their finances 

Most within AAPI communities report an increase in household expenses in the past year, while few say the same about their household savings – just 30% are very confident they can manage costs. About half of AAPI adults believe that the United States is not supportive enough of Palestinians in the conflict with Israelis, with a nearly identical share thinking it is too supportive of Israelis.

2024: The public’s priorities and expectations

January 1, 2024 Foreign policy issues top the public’s agenda for 2024, followed by economic concerns. Education, the environment and climate change, and health care continue to be major concerns. Most Americans do not expect things to get better for themselves or the country in the upcoming year. To explore the public’s agenda for 2024,…

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David Sterrett

Senior Research Scientist
Public Affairs and Media Research
(312) 357-7031

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Jennifer Benz

Deputy Director
Public Affairs and Media Research
(617) 316-3702

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Senior Fellow
Public Affairs and Media Research
(917) 930-2306

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Public Affairs and Media Research
(773) 256-6338

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(301) 634-9414