The June 2018 AP-NORC Poll asked 1,109 adults about their attitudes toward international relations following President Trump’s meetings with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and the G7.
The second of a multiwave series of polls that explores the political attitudes of young people age 15-34. This new wave includes a sample of parents of 15-26 year olds to allow for generational comparisons.
The April 2018 AP-NORC Poll asked internet users about their data privacy concerns and steps they may have taken to protect their personal information in the wake of the Facebook privacy scandal. The findings reveal widespread concern about unsecured personal information, and most believe that social media companies and their users bear a large responsibility for protecting this information.
The April 2018 AP-NORC Poll asked 1,140 adults about their expectations for the United States’ relationship with China, Russia, and North Korea over the next year.
The February 2018 AP-NORC Poll takes an in-depth look at race relations in the United States and the perceived progress of the civil rights movement over the past half-century.