Eighteen percent report understanding to eat in a way that is environmentally friendly, and few consider how the food they eat affects the environment.
Half as many Republicans were confident in the scientific community compared to pre-pandemic levels. And bolstered support from Democrats during the pandemic eroded to pre-pandemic levels, based on an analysis of GSS data. Confidence in other institutions like education, business, journalism, and religion also slipped.
Amidst the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, confidence in the U.S. Supreme Court dropped dramatically among those who support access to abortion, based on an analysis of GSS data.
About half of adults in America think Medicare and Medicaid should play large roles in paying for ongoing living assistance for older adults and there is broad and bipartisan support for a host of policies to help pay for the costs of long-term care and caregiving.
The lives of most adults in America remain different than they were before the pandemic, as more than half are still at least somewhat concerned about COVID-19 infection and think steps like vaccination and effective treatments are essential to participate fully in public life again.