Politics To reduce gun violence, the public supports several gun control measures Most adults remain in favor of universal background checks, red flag laws, and semi-automatic rifle bans. Topline Results Public Use Files
Politics Economic perceptions continue to be a weak spot for Biden Just over half of Democrats do not want to see Biden run again in 2024, though a large majority say they will support him if he is the nominee. Topline Results Public Use Files
Politics Assessing Trump’s legal challenges Fifty-four percent say Trump’s actions after the 2020 election threatened democracy, including 85% of Democrats and 23% of Republicans. Topline Results Public Use Files
Religion Belief in angels and heaven is more common than belief in the devil or hell About 8 in 10 believe that some things can’t be explained by science or natural causes and 72% believe in the power of prayer. Topline Results Public Use Files
Politics Most adults feel the interests of people like them are not well represented. Confidence in U.S. democracy remains low. The public perceives a disconnect between public opinion and existing laws and policies. Topline Results Public Use Files