August 25, 2023
Nearly-two thirds of the public remains in favor of stricter gun laws, a share that has remained fairly stable since 2016.[1] About 90% of Democrats say that gun control laws in the U.S. should be stricter compared to just a third of Republicans.

Over three-quarters think that preventing mass shootings and reducing gun violence is important, including majorities from both parties. Most also believe restricting gun access would result in fewer mass shootings, murders, and violent crime. Democrats and Republicans generally agree on the importance of preventing mass shootings and reducing violent crime. Republicans remain unconvinced, however, that restricting gun access would result in fewer of either. Eighty-three percent of Democrats say increased gun control would reduce the number of mass shootings and 75% think it would result in less violent crime. In comparison, only 34% of Republicans say restricting the ability to legally obtain firearms would reduce mass shootings and 28% think it would lower the amount of violent crime.

Majorities of Democrats and Republicans support background checks and red flag laws. However, while 8 in 10 Democrats favor a nationwide ban on AR-15 rifles, nearly half of Republicans oppose such a law. And two-thirds of Republicans are in favor of allowing teachers and administrators to be armed in schools compared to just a fifth of Democrats.

Half of adults who live with guns in their household favor stricter gun control laws. Most say reducing gun violence and preventing mass shootings is important and nearly half believe restricting gun access would result in fewer mass shootings. However, less than 4 in 10 of people who live with a gun in their home say that restrictions would result in fewer violent crimes, murders, or suicides.

[1] https://apnorc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/AP-NORC-May-2022-Topline.pdf
Citation: AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. (August 25, 2023). “To reduce gun violence, the public supports several gun control measures.” https://apnorc.org/projects/to-reduce-gun-violence-the-public-supports-several-gun-control-measures/