Asked which president did more to help people like them, 35% of adults say Trump did more, 26% say Biden did more, and 30% think neither was effective in helping people like them.
Only 21% of adults think it would be a good thing if the next president were able to act on important policies without the approval of Congress or the courts, though there is more tolerance of the idea among partisans when the president is from their own party.
Three-quarters of the public say a democratically elected government is important to the country’s identity, but only 21% think democracy is the greatest system of government and 53% say democracy in the U.S. is working poorly.
Seventy-nine percent of Republicans and 54% of Democrats favor hiring more border patrol agents. There is much less support for building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.
About half of Republicans would be excited if Trump is reelected in November and 4 in 10 Democrats would be excited with another Biden administration. Democrats are more likely to be fearful or angry about the prospect of a Trump reelection than Republicans are about a Biden reelection.