David Dutwin

David is a renowned expert in survey methodology, panel survey research best practice, and the development of survey research business innovation and strategy.
David is executive director and senior vice president of AmeriSpeak. AmeriSpeak is NORC’s premier multi-client, panel-based research platform.
Dutwin, a nationally recognized survey methodologist, joined NORC and AmeriSpeak in 2019. His prior research focused on election methodology, surveying of low-incidence populations, the use of big data in survey research, and data quality in survey panels.
He is a senior fellow of the Program for Opinion Research and Election Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. An avid member of the AAPOR community, David served as president from 2018-2019. He previously served on AAPOR’s Executive Council as conference chair and has served full terms on several committees.
For over twenty years, he has taught courses in survey research and design, political polling, research methods, rhetorical theory, media effects, and other courses as an adjunct professor at the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Arizona, and West Chester University.