Politics Economic perceptions continue to be a weak spot for Biden Just over half of Democrats do not want to see Biden run again in 2024, though a large majority say they will support him if he is the nominee.
Politics Assessing Trump’s legal challenges Fifty-four percent say Trump’s actions after the 2020 election threatened democracy, including 85% of Democrats and 23% of Republicans.
Religion Belief in angels and heaven is more common than belief in the devil or hell About 8 in 10 believe that some things can’t be explained by science or natural causes and 72% believe in the power of prayer.
Politics Most adults feel the interests of people like them are not well represented. Confidence in U.S. democracy remains low. The public perceives a disconnect between public opinion and existing laws and policies.
Politics Most Americans support legal abortion with some restrictions A year after Roe v. Wade was overturned, most adults still believe that abortion should be legal and most are in favor of Congress guaranteeing access to legal abortion.