Hampton University/AP-NORC Polling Partnership Hampton University Center for Public Policy and The AP-NORC Center are collaborating for the 2020 election cycle. Topline Results Public Use Files
Government and International Affairs Majority of Virginia voters plan to cast their ballot before Election Day More than four times as many registered Virginia voters plan on casting a ballot before Election Day compared to prior elections. Topline Results Public Use Files
Politics State of the Facts 2020: Elections With just a few weeks until the 2020 presidential election, Americans remain concerned and unsure about facts surrounding the election. Topline Results Public Use Files
COVID-19 State of the Facts 2020: COVID-19 Few Americans find it easy to find information on COVID-19 and are split on what information to trust and how to use it to make decisions. Topline Results Public Use Files
COVID-19 How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting the workplace? Most American workers say they are experiencing more stress because of COVID-19, but think their employers are responding appropriately to the pandemic. Topline Results Public Use Files