News and Media Fatigue, traditionalism, and engagement: news habits and attitudes of the Gen Z and Millennial generations New Media Insight Project study reveals Gen Z and Millennials follow news from a range of sources but have concerns about its reliability and the spread of misinformation in both traditional and social media.
Politics Americans’ experiences, concerns, and views related to gun violence Many Americans place a high importance on both preventing gun violence and protecting gun rights.
Environment, Energy, and Resilience More Americans are pessimistic about the impact they can have on climate change compared with three years ago. Most people are taking a variety of steps that reduce their climate impact, but they are often more motivated by finances than environmental concerns.
Government and International Affairs Americans have lost confidence in the Supreme Court Most Americans favor constitutional reforms to the Supreme Court to impose term and age limits for justices.
Politics More Americans disapprove than approve of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade More than half of the public are at least somewhat sad or angry about the court’s ruling and about a third are relieved, proud, or excited.