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Expectations for a COVID-19 Vaccine

Most Americans expect a vaccine against COVID-19 to be available by some point in 2021, but only half say they will get vaccinated and many are unsure, according to the AP-NORC survey conducted in May 2020.

Economic Attitudes as the Country Starts to Reopen

Seventy percent say the economy is in poor shape and many are feeling financial effects of the coronavirus pandemic, according to the May 2020 AP-NORC Poll. And when restrictions lift, few plan to engage in activities that draw a crowd.

Government Performance during COVID-19

The president’s job ratings continue to hold steady during the coronavirus outbreak, according to the AP-NORC Poll conducted in May 2020, even as few Americans approve of how the federal government is handling the pandemic.

Many Are Wary of Re-Opening

Americans remain concerned about the threat from the coronavirus and worry about reopening too soon, according to the AP-NORC Poll conducted in May 2020. There is support for imposing conditions in order to reinstate economic and social activities.