Workplace and Retirement The Problem and Impact of Sexual Misconduct The December 2017 AP-NORC Poll explores the public’s attitudes toward sexual misconduct in the workplace in light of recent, high-profile allegations.
Government and International Affairs New Year, Same Priorities: The Public’s Agenda for 2018 The AP-NORC Center conducted a national survey of 1,444 adults to gauge the public’s policy priorities for 2018.
Government and International Affairs Americans Assess the Progress of the Russia Investigation The December 2017 AP-NORC Poll of 1,020 adults explores the public’s attitudes toward the impartiality of the investigations of Trump’s ties to Russia and whether Trump has committed any wrongdoing.
Government and International Affairs Turkey with a Side of Politics: Talking Politics at Thanksgiving A survey conducted by The AP-NORC Center takes a look at Americans’ plans to talk politics—or not—over Thanksgiving dinner.
Workplace and Retirement Finding a Job: Americans’ Experiences with Interviewing An October 2017 Associated Press and CNBC poll of 1,054 adults conducted by The AP-NORC Center explores Americans’ experiences with job interviewing.