The Latest

The public outlook remains gloomy

A majority continue to feel the country is moving in the wrong direction. Most disapprove of the President’s handling of the pandemic and continue to worry about becoming infected with coronavirus.

Campaign 2020: The candidates and issues

Less than four months before Election Day, there is much interest in the campaign, but considerably less excitement. Political polarization continues to dominate the public’s views of the candidates and the issues.

Growing dissatisfaction with direction of country

Americans are more dissatisfied with the country’s direction than at any time since President Trump’s inauguration. While the president’s overall job ratings have been stable during the pandemic, views of his handling of the coronavirus outbreak have steadily declined.

Expert Contact

David Sterrett

Senior Research Scientist
Public Affairs and Media Research
(312) 357-7031

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Ethan Bueno de Mesquita

Interim Dean and Sydney Stein Professor
University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy

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Jennifer Benz

Deputy Director
Public Affairs and Media Research
(617) 316-3702

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Marjorie Connelly

Senior Fellow
Public Affairs and Media Research
(917) 930-2306

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Trevor Tompson

Senior Vice President
Public Affairs and Media Research
(773) 256-6338